Saturday, 10 January 2009

Is Your Dog Overweight?

Is Your Dog Overweight?

Some dogs are naturally heavier-set and carry more fat than others

Some tips to assess whether your dog is overweight:
  • Feel your dog's ribs - You should be able to feel them quite easily. A slight amount of fat should be over them but each rib should be distinct
  • Look at your dog from above - he should have a definate waist behind the ribs. If the waist is extreme, your dog is too thin. If there is no waist, or even worse, the area between the ribs and hips is wider than the hips or ribs, then your dog is overweight
  • Look at your dog from the side - Dogs should have an abdominal tuck; the area behind the ribs should be smaller in diameter then the chest. This can vary a lot between breeds
  • Feel the other bony parts of the body - such as the spine, shoulder and hips. Again, you should be able to feel a small amount of fat over these areas
  • Check the area near base of tail - there should be a slight layer of fat covering this area and should feel smooth
Always consult your vet with any concerns

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